cultivating global leaders!

The STEM·E Youth Career Development Program Uganda Initiative envisions a world where all students have global access and exposure to the necessary skills and education needed for future success, no matter their background, future career pursuits, or the ever-changing economic and cultural environment.
To globally educate youth in critical skills and professional development through easily accessible and affordable STEAM and Entrepreneurship education, enhancing students’ potential for future career success and generating the workforce and leaders of tomorrow.

aims to expand the STEM·E Program curriculum into Uganda with the mission of globally educating rural and urban youth and communities in critical skills and professional development. Established in 2019, the STEM·E Uganda Initiative involves the collaboration between key programs, organizations, corporations, and professionals to provide workshops, hands-on training, and speaking engagements in urban and rural areas to youth and adults (8+ years old). We aim to provide high-quality, equitable and accessible STEM and Entrepreneurship education to a global community to enhance the future success of all individuals.
Click the following links for more information:
The uganda initiative
About The uganda program Director

Geoffrey Bwireh, MS

Geoffrey Bwireh is a global entrepreneur and educator, with 10 years of university lecture experience, community training, business ownership, and management experience. He currently lectures in the Business and Management Sciences Department at Mbarara University of Science and Technology and is a visiting lecturer in the college of Business and Economics at the University of Rwanda in procurement and value chain management. Geoffrey earned his Master degree in Management Studies at the Uganda Management Institute after earning his Bachelor degree in Procurement & Logistics Management from Kyambogo University. Born and raised in a typical household in rural Eastern Uganda, Geoffrey deeply understands the challenges and opportunities that exist in the Ugandan environment. With his extensive teaching, business, and entrepreneurship experience, coupled with his role as a researcher and consultant for various agricultural businesses, Geoffrey is now pioneering the STEM·E Youth Career Development Program Uganda Initiative with the hope of narrowing the education gap within the rural and urban underprivileged communities in a bid to increase student enrollment in STEM-E related disciplines.
To contact The Uganda Initiative and Geoffrey Bwireh, email: